Lean Coffee Portugal – Check our new video!

Today I would like to share some thoughts regarding the continuous monthly achievements from Lean Coffee Portugal Community.

It’s impressive to see how much we’ve growth since the first meet up and how every month we have more people attending but most important believing our values and objectives as well as the will to learn more.

Nowadays, we can say that we are only limited by the space provided by our sponsors. I truly believe that if we had more spots more people would join the community.

Nevertheless, some time ago we decided to create a small movie showing the world why we do it, what we achieved and how we do it.

So, today we would like to share with you the final result. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Please feel free to share it!

Most important many thanks everyone for believing and be part of our amazing community!

Lean Coffee Portugal first year Retrospective

Today’s post is related with the Lean Coffee Portugal Community and the first full year retrospective.

Logo Portugal

In order to give you some context, more than one year ago to be more precise December 2014 a group of 4 people started a community (Lean Coffee Porto) with the following mission, objectives and values:


After few months and with the continuous success was decided to embrace a new challenge and start the Lean Coffee Braga.

During this time something magic happen. We started to have more and more people committed to keep making this a success every month and with the motivation to make this community growth at a fast pace.

So, today at less than one week for the next Lean Coffee Session (28th of Jan at Blip) I’m happy to share some numbers that I believe that shows everyone feedback about the community.

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At this point I only have one final question. 😉

Are you joining us in the next session in Feb 2016?

If yes, see you there!

Lean Coffee Portugal Community!

After the Lean Coffee Porto and Braga continued success, today’s post is related with the most recent update that is Lean Coffee Portugal.

Logo Portugal

It’s really amazing to see this community growing month after month. Better than this, is the people’s motivation attending every month as well the new people joining our community.

The result from this is the 9th Edition in November @Startup Braga and the expectation to keep coming and growing!

I will be there and you? Are you joining us to share your knowledge and experience?

Lean Coffee Braga Community!

After the Lean Coffee Porto continued success, today’s post is related with the Lean Coffee Braga.


This happened yesterday in the beautiful city of Braga at Primavera Software.

If you asked me some time ago “Did you believed that in a short period of time would exist the Lean Coffee Porto and 3 months later the Lean Coffee Braga would start”, I would say no. But I was wrong!

They are real, they are a big success!

Not just due to the Co-Founders but to everyone involved. That, after a day working day, they are still motivated to attend, share experiences and learn.

I’m a truly believer that together we can grow more and faster.

For more details please check the bellow links:

Many thanks to everyone for making this real!

Lean Coffee Porto Community!

Today’s post is related with the beginning of Lean Coffee Porto Community.


The story begins 3 months ago, when a group of people with the same objectives and dreams started to discuss what they could do to share knowledge and create discussions of ideas regarding different areas like Agile, Lean and Tech.

Well, we discovered that more people had the same objective and dream, but in different parts of the world.

How? With the creation of the LeannCoffee.org

Just to give you more context, Lean Coffee is a non-profit world community whose main objective is the development, sharing and discussion of ideas among stakeholders in different areas of knowledge within the Technological, Agile and Lean themes.

As a result from our discussions, we agree to create Lean Coffee Porto and voluntarily organize (in cooperation with LeanCoffee.org and and Tuga) meetups and events in order to drive Portugal into a world reference in Agile, Lean and Technology.

Saying this, Lean Coffee Porto is already in-progress and we have our first meetup schedule for 14th of January 2015.

Join us at UPTEC for our first event and share your experience and knowledge! We will follow the Lean Coffee format presented at http://leancoffee.org/

Register at Eventbrite.


Nevertheless, I would like to share with you that Lean Coffee Braga is also already in-progress. Soon, we will be sharing further details regarding the first meetup.